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INTO Exeter - Key Contacts

  • INTO University of Exeter
Subject / Query
Fur urgent IT help with your Exeter Student account, please call  +441392 724724 (International)
0300 555 0444 (UK) 
If you are on the wrong course

Academic Support Team:
If you want to change course

Denisa Newmanova, Admissions Officer: 
If you have an accommodation query

Sabra Gardner, Accommodation Officer:
If you have a welfare issue

Tania Brown, Welfare & Disability Officer:

If you have a Visa issue 


Or, currently online and want to switch to on campus please contact? 

Marianne Connors , Visa Officer:


For switching to on-campus:
If you have quarantine or self-isolation queries

Tania Brown, Welfare & Disability Officer:
If you have Covid-19 symptom, please contact

Monday – Friday, 08:30 – 17:30: 

 (tel) 01392 724282

Any other time: 

(tel) 07715 091391
If you have an attendance query, please contact

Tania Brown, Welfare & Disability Officer:

If you have a general student service query, you can contact? 

INTO Reception Team:

If you see incorrect details on the VLE 

e.g. Timetable / Live sessions / Documents provided / no course materials 

Academic Support Team:
If you have a query relating to the switch from online to on campus and want to discuss the transition, you should contact

INTO Reception Team:
If you require assistance from the Chinese Language Support Officer, please contact Chinese Language Support Officer: 

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