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Pre-arrival information and help

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Pre-arrival information and help


This help page is designed to support you by providing the key information required before you start studying with us.

Here you'll find answers to key questions, guidance, useful links and where to go for help.


Click <<here>> for an introductory video to this page.


This page is split into six sections.  The first two sections provide information and answer questions you may have.  The third and fourth sections provide further information and tasks for before you arrive.  The fifth section answers general IT help queries, and the final section is a dedicated area for students who are studying online only.

1. What to do before you arrive in the UK

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1.1  Confirming your place (UK Admissions).

1.2  Book INTO Accommodation.

1.3  Complete the online registration form.

1.4  Receive Joining Instructions.

1.5  Access your University Email Account.

1.6  Receive your UK visa.

1.7  How to get to Newcastle.

1.8  Provide UK Arrival Information.

1.9  Book taxi from Newcastle Airport.

1.10  Payment of all tuition and accommodation fees.

1.11  What to do if my visa is delayed.

2. What to do after you arrive in the UK

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2.1  Check in to your accommodation.

2.2  Complete the Arrival Check Form

2.3  eVIsa access & providing a Share Code

2.4  Receive Student card & University systems access.

2.5  Access Canvas, including the  Student Support Community.

2.6  Read the Student Handbook.

2.7  Attend Induction activities in week one. 

2.8  Personal Tutor and support available.

2.9  Receiving class timetable.

2.10  Attending classes.

2.11  What to do if you arrive late.



3.     Pre-arrival course materials

4.     What to expect from your programme


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3.1  Reading and understanding feedback.

3.2  Creative and reflective writing.

3.3  Critical reading.

3.4  Understanding marking criteria and rubrics. (coming soon)

3.5  Making the most of your Personal Tutor. (coming soon

3.6  Getting involved in extra-curricular activities. (coming soon)


5. Need Help? 


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5.1  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

I am not an INTO Student, how can I find out more or sign up for learning?

I received a letter about registration for my course, what do I do next?

5.2  IT Support and technical issues:

How to keep your device and browser up to date.

Accessing INTO Newcastle University systems and support.

5.3  Key contact information:

INTO Newcastle - Key Contacts

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This section includes a welcome message from your Programme Manager as well as a task for you to complete before you arrive in the UK


Click on your programme below: 

 Academic English & Study Abroad 

Pre-Sessional English 


International Foundation: 


Biology, Biomedicine & Pharmacy 

Business & Management 

Humanities & Social Sciences Sciences,

Sciences, Computing, Engineering & Mathematics


International Year One: 





International Pre-Masters’: 

Architecture & Landscape Architecture

Business & Humanities



6.  Pre-Sessional Online student support

Click >here< for your teaching online questions & answers



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